Luiz Eduardo Amaral

Hi there 👋

🚀 About Me

🎓 I’m Luiz, a Data Scientist, Developer and Numpy Contributor. My fascination with code started way back, and over the past 10 years I’ve honed my skills in building and maintaining vision-based sensor systems. But my true passion lies in the exciting world where AI meets the physical realm.

🏆 When I need a mental challenge, I turn to the world of competitive programming and Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions. The thrill of solving problems under pressure and the camaraderie of the competitive coding community really energize me.

👨‍💻 Beyond the code, I’m a firm believer in the power of open-source communities. Contributing to open-source projects in Python, Rust, Elixir, Ruby and JavaScript fuels my fire (I’ve even got packages published in some of them!). You might also find my contributions to Numpy, SciPy - or maybe somewhere else in the vast GitHub universe.

When I’m not elbow-deep in code, you’ll likely find me with my wife and dog:

  • ⛰️ Exploring the outdoors: Nature is my happy place, and there’s nothing quite like a good hike or adventure to clear my head and spark new ideas.

  • 🍔 Whipping up delicious meals: Food is more than just sustenance – it’s an experience! I love experimenting in the kitchen and sharing my culinary creations with friends and family.

  • ✈️ Venturing off on new travel adventures: The world is a vast and exciting place, and I’m always eager to explore new cultures, landscapes, and experiences.

  • 🏃🏻‍♂️ Enjoying a good challenge: running offers a chance to truly push me forward. Each stride pushes me past my perceived limits. Every run is a battle, a test of my will, leaving me exhilarated by the victories I achieve.

  • 🧗Scrambling up a cliff face: Rock climbing provides a thrilling combination of physical exertion, mental focus, and the reward of reaching the summit.

Let’s chat! Contact me at

Luxedo GitHub stats-Dark

Games Almost From Scratch

A long term project of mine is rebuilding games without any game engine. Here’s the ones I made so far:


Sometimes I get some ideas in my mind that I have to put it into code. It happens that I have many of those projects and you can check them in the projects tab above. Feel free to check the sample ones below:

For the past years I’ve participated in the Advent of Code challenges. I join the advent mainly to maintain my coding sharpness and also to learn a new programming language. ElfScript Brigade is a tool to help the development of solutions in any programming language. Check it’s usage in my AoC Solutions repository.

My wife wanted to learn some pixelart and we came up with the idea of copying Flappy Bird. Of course, it couldn’t be just a copy, so we decided to add a genetic algorithm training mode to see the game play itself.

When the Brazilian version of Wordle, named Termo got popular, I was the first developer to build an automatic solver and posted the solutions daily on Twitter. In this project I worked with NLP to create my own version of a solver that hardly failed.

This Jekyll Theme that you’re seeing right now I made! It was a project for learning how the themes worked and I ended up liking it. It even has some generative art (the sidebar to the left changes!). This is by far the project that I have the most GitHub stars and my only Ruby Gem package.

Open Source Libraries

One of my joys is to build a tool that is useful for myself and then take an extra step to publish it for everyone to use. I have published several libraries and each one of them has helped me acomplish something:

🍓📸 Picamip

Python simple Raspberry-Pi camera module web interface

💊🔴 OCDots

OCDots is a javascript library for creating evenly distributed points inside a polygon with simple charge physics

🔥🗺️ @luxedo/heatmap

Node package for heatmap image generation based on kernel density estimation

📦📡 python-SPOS

📦📡 node-SPOS

SPOS is a specification to declare small binary payloads. There’s implementations for Python and Node

🍓⚡ Fake RPI GPIO

This package is used to simulate the RPi.GPIO module. This package only contains the functions in the RPi.GPIO package without the functionality.

🍓📼 MCP 3008

RPi_mcp3008 is a python library to listen to the MCP3008 A/D converter chip with a RPi

🍓🤖 RPi stepper

A python library to control stepper motors with the ULN2803A controller

📍☁️ spiky-clouds

This is a filter that converts images into spiky images. The image is created by drawing needles instead o pixels for each pixel value.

🌹</> prettycode

prettycode is a software to pretty print code into a pdf file. This was my very first node package I published


The world is a complex puzzle, and I love using data and code to decode it. Data scientist and developer by day, problem-solver always.